Alan Williams Coaching

Rebrand: Name, Logo, Design, Graphics,
Website & Creation of Personal Brand

Alan Williams is now one of Ireland’s top nutrition & fitness experts. However, when we first met some years ago; Nutri-fit was his original brand name. His online & print media didn’t give the full picture of who he was as a fitness expert; he was more. He was a coach. Quickly it became clear that truly Alan was the unique selling point of the business and all he offered could not be branded in a generic term. It was a personal brand that was required.  He is the man to get you to the next place in terms of health, routine, nutrition, commitment, lifestyle and motivation. So it was a no-brainer to develop Alan Williams Coaching with a logo that reiterated the AWC; the brand & the symbol; the man & the coach.  It was an honour to work with him and to be given creative reign developing his rebrand & working with him over many years through successful brand development as his online & speaking businesses grew.   I’ve been lucky enough to have a client that never stops going, growing & challenging himself to do & be more. From photoshoots, to brand -wording to posters, to signage, to book cover detail to website visuals and more. Alan’s rebrand & ongoing brand development was a pleasure & honour to be a part of & to watch him flourish as a business and a brand; that is the gold for a consultant like me.

Project details


Alan Williams Coaching
